Get the answer for all your Tik Tok questions with our first Winclap for Marketers and find out if your brand is ready to Advertise on it!

What is Tik Tok?

Basically, TikTok is basically an app to watch, create and share short videos. But why it is so hot right now?

Tik Tok’s Statistics:

– It already reached 1.5 Billion downloads

-Tiktok has 500M Monthly active users (MAU)

-90% of all TikTok users access the app on a daily basis.

Should I announce on Tik Tok?

We know it’s like the new Advertisement fever to announce on it right now but there are a few things you should know before jumping on it.

What’s the Audience?

Generation Z, younger people, most of them under 30.

How much Tik Tok Costs?

Ads on TikTok are quite new, so the prices are still very dynamic. TikTok ads normally start at $10 per CPM (cost per 1000 impression).

What Types of the campaign you can run on Tik Tok?

1-Working with Influencers

You partner with an influencer and work with him to promote your brand.

2 -Native video

They are very similar to Facebook and Google ones. This means that you have to bid for your ads to reach your audience. Their pricing model is CPM, CPV or even CPC, which might be more expensive but can guarantee better results.

3 — Brand takeover

When a user opens Tiktok an ad will be shown. You can set different targets for your campaign and TikTok assures that no users see more than one brand takeover ad per day and that makes this type of campaign a little bit more expensive than the Native ones since the opportunities are limited.

4 — Hashtag challenge

You probably watched the Mr. Sandman cat video. Most of the hashtags are created by users. But if you have a big budget you can promote your own hashtag challenge. The costs for this campaign are quite high at starting from a $150,000 flat fee for a challenge of 6 days, a little bit expensive for now but I’m sure this will change in the near future.

5 — Promoting your own channel Organically

The most difficult one, because you need to understand your audience, be constant and produce original and relevant content for them to share and interact with it.


If you excited to start running TikTok I have some news for you, it is already available in LATAM and all the main MMP’s are fully integrated.

This year is definitely going to be TikTok’s year. But think it through, to see if it really makes sense to your company to run a campaign on this media. If it does, spare a test budget and go for it.

Don’t forget to leave a comment with your experience or share advice to your fellow marketers, because that’s what Winclap for Marketers is all about.

If you want to know more about Tik Tok or implement it as a media on your app marketing strategy, fill the form below and talk to our growth experts.