Discover how Growth Experts are Innovating to Scale their UA Efforts

The fintech ecosystem is a model for how innovative leaders in a crowded and competitive space can find success with the right approaches to UA.

Regardless of your industry, these insights can be valuable as you seek to differentiate yourself and connect with customers effectively and profitably. Hear from industry leaders at Chime, Ripio, and Atom Finance about their experiences as well as strategies to achieve success.

Webinar IronSource + Winclap - Innovative Growth Strategy

Special speakers: Pedro de Arteaga from Winclap, Trang Dao from Atom, Sally Chi from Chime, Gonzalo Lasaga from Ripio, and Damon Marshall from ironSource.


  • 00:00´ Speakers Background: 
  • 05:00´ Unique aspects of Fintech Industry
    Diversification of UA Channels to Scale
  • 13:00′ Main Drivers behind Diversification
  • 18:00′ Considerations when evaluating a new channel
  • 25’00’ Predicting a channel performance
  • 26:00′ Media Mix Modeling and Budget Allocation
    Optimizing  Multichannel Campaigns
  • 28:00′ Picking “North Star” metrics for optimization
  • 30:00′ Multi-event optimization through the User Funnel
  • 38:00′ iOS14 Approaches
    Creatives for User Acquisition
  • 42:00′ Educating users while achieving performance
  • 50:00′ Differentiating with Creatives
  • 54:00′ Adapting Creatives for different media sources

If we don’t diversify, we will never know which are the channels where we can achieve our best performance.

Gonzalo Lasaga

Head of Paid Marketing, Ripio

To be bigger you have to be present on more places…Different placements, different types of ads and creatives to reach different audiences. …Basically, being everywhere that we can.

Sally Chi

Head of Growth, Chime

When I look at new channel, I usally think about, eyeballs, data and native ad experience… Will they offer something unique?

Trang Dao

VP of Growth, Atom Finance

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