Episode # 4 – Deval Panchal

Fourth episode of the Smartketers Podcast: conversations with marketers using artificial (and human) intelligence to make smarter decisions.

During this episode we talked with Deval Panchal, Growth Hacker at Old Skull Games. We talked about algorithm-based advertising; using behavioral data for interest-based Targeting; Risks when using AI to make decisions; Transitioning towards AI-based data; Precision targeting after iOS 14 and Why Creativity and Talent will not be replaced by AI. 

Deval is an expert in digital Marketing, with a constant pursuit to hack growth and learn. His approach towards data analytics, targeting and personalization, gives us a glimpse into the future of AI in marketing. A future that is more present than we realize. 

Special speakers: Mariano Saenz from Winclap and Deval Panchal from Old Skull Games

What we discussed in short:

  • 00:00About Deval
  • 02:00 – Personal vs personalized contact: how AI helped marketing scale
  • 03:00 – Algorithm based advertising
  • 04:00 – Using behavioral data for Interest based-targeting
  • 06:00 – Risk and blockers when using AI to make decisions 
  • 07:00 – Transitioning towards AI-based data
  • 08:00 – Creativity and Talent will not be replaced by AI
  • 10:00 – Precision targeting after iOS 14. 

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About Deval

Deval is currently Growth Hacker at Old Skull Games. They create cooperative adventures for community to play for years on end.

He is fascinated by how we transitioned from direct to technological based marketing. He is optimistic about the value of using AI-based data to make decisions. Decisions, that today are still made more based on intuition than on concrete data. 
Deval believes that in the future  AI will replace us at making certain decisions on a regular basis. However, he is certain that Creativity and Talent are not replaceable. The way we connect with people can not be substituted by AI.

“With users’ behavioral data we can retarget them, using interest-based, precise targeting.
Today this is still more based on intuition than on concrete data. If AI solves this there will be a lot of opportunities for marketers.

It has been hard to convince management to completely rely on AI, because it is still not 100% reliable.
We will transition towards AI-based data. There will be no way to go but to believe and make decisions completely on that data.

Deval Panchal
Growth Hacker

“Creativity and human talent can not be replaced by AI… The way we connect with people.
Adding a personalized touch will be more engaging than something automatically generated by AI.

Ready to start using AI to make smarter marketing decisions?