Episode # 1 – Gonzalo Varela

First episode of the Smartketers Podcast: conversations with marketers using artificial (and human) intelligence to make smarter decisions.

During this episode we talked about: What is AI?, How it is revolutionizing our personal and professional lives, the Use of AI in marketing, Embracing change driven by AI.

Gonzalo Varela aka “Gonva” is an experienced marketer in the mobile ecosystem, specialized in growth marketing.

Special speakers: Mariano Saenz and Gonzalo Varela from Winclap,

What we discussed in short:

  • 00:00Gonva’s Background
  • 01:00 – How would you define AI
  • 05:00 – AI as a tech revolution
  • 06:00 – The AI Adoption Gap: from possibility to adoption
  • 08:00 – Uses of AI in marketing
  • 10:00 – Marketers focus on strategic functions thanks to AI
  • 11:00 – AI for better audience segmentation and targeting
  • 12:00 – Using AI predictions for Budget Allocation
  • 14:00 – Being open to change

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About the Guest – Gonzalo Varela

When asked about who he is, (although he is still trying to figure that out) he defines himself as a “Tech enthusiast/geek who loves to see growth as a machine“. No wonder he is an Industrial Engineer.
Gonva worked at Google, leading the Marketing Solutions for Apps Sales Team in Latin America. He then moved on to Mercado Libre as a Sr Marketing Manager in charge of growing its digital wallet, Mercado Pago.
He is currently working at Winclap, as Head of Growth, helping clients scale with a team of growth experts and AI tools.

Be open to try new things, even if that implies some of the task you do today will disappear. Looking for ways of doing your work more efficient will always be a good call.

AI will have a big impact in marketers’ life and work in the coming years.

Gonzalo Varela
Head of Growth – Winclap

Machines are not replacing you. They are replacing some of the work that you do… This will allow you to focus on more meaningful tasks instead.