Episode # 2 – Jennifer Donahoe

Second episode of the Smartketers Podcast: conversations with marketers using artificial (and human) intelligence to make smarter decisions.

During this episode we talked about: AI in the Gaming Industry; enhancing UX and player matching; will AI replace marketers?; Good (and Bad) approaches for AI and the risk of creating The Matrix.

Jennifer Donahoe is a marketing expert in the Gaming Industry. Following every child’s dream, she has been around Toys and Video Games her whole life, making a great career out of it.

Special speakers: Mariano Saenz from Winclap and Jennifer Donahoe from Riot Games

What we discussed in short:

  • 00:00About Jen and her passion for Games and Tech
  • 04:00 – AI use cases across different industries
  • 07:00 – AI for UA and Player Matching in Gaming
  • 09:00 – Good (and Bad) approaches towards AI
  • 10:00 – Using AI to enhance User Experience
  • 11:00 – Will AI replace marketers?
  • 12:00 – The Value of testing new tools and getting the word out

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About Jen

In her own words she is  “someone who loves science and tech… making cool stuff with really cool people“. And cool things she has done indeed:
Jen worked at Mattel, leading product marketing and design for a number of action figure product lines. She then moved on to Scopely as Growth Lead, responsible of growth and marketing initiatives for WWE Champions, a top grossing mobile game.
She is currently working at Riot Games in charge of bringing great games to strategy enthusiasts. She is Marketing and Growth Lead for TeamFight Tactics,  one of  League of Legends top strategy games.
Always interested to talk about science (and sci fi!), she carries a great passion for Gaming and technology.
Jen shares an optimistic view about AI. Although she warns us to use it for good and not for evil.

She would love to see marketers using AI more for players to have the best game experience.

AI is just an amazing tool for us to do our job better.

Using these type of tools we can have a much better look at what is going on. And help matching up great games with great audiences.

Jennifer Donahoe
Marketing and Growth Lead

We can help making sure to utilize and test new services. Share the results as best as you can… More testing and more surfacing of what is useful to all the different marketers. It is important to get the word out.