What is a CSM?

A Customer Success Manager is the one responsible for developing customer relationships to improve client retention, happiness and loyalty. Their job is to work closely with customers to assure they are satisfied with the services/product acquired and improve all the areas that are dissatisfactory in the eyes of the client.

What is CX?

The customer experience (also known as CX) is the sum of the interactions your customer have with your business during their entire customer journey. From the first contact with your brand to becoming a loyal and happy customer. You can create a great customer experience, from your Social Media Content to your Products UX. But there is one player in this whole journey that can transform a lot your client experience and that player is the CSM.

Why are they important? 

If we quantify the interactions of a client with a brand, from the interaction with your content/social media, passing through your sales process and becoming and loyal user. We are going to see that in this journey he spends most of his time using your product/services and interacting with those who are helping him to use that product/service. So this period of the journey must be managed with excellence. 

There are a few tips and actions that you can put into use from day 0 with your CSM team that will provide a great experience for your clients. 

  • Knowledge: 

Provide all the information a client needs to understand and get the most out of your tool or service. Remember that not all clients are the same, try to use dynamic tutorials, demos, or presentations to show them all your service features.

  • Ask & Listen: 

Ask all the questions you might find necessary. It’ll be hard to make your job successful if you don’t know their business model deeply and their main pain points. 

  • Communication:  

Set up a communication channel and be responsive to it. This gives the client the security that if they ever need something, you’ll be there for them. Also, establish a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly call to review your service and receive feedback and reassure that everything is on track. 

  • Expectations: 

It’s important to set the client’s expectations on what you can achieve and what you can not. Create a plan together it’s a very good way to be aligned and have no disappointments along the way. Also, it helps to lower the customer’s anxiety since there is a concrete plan of action. 

  • Proactivity: 

Ask several questions to understand how they would like to work. Once you’ve done that, you create your customized workflow with him. Remember to put yourself in their shoes all the time to foresee any requests or doubts and provide them, before being asked for.  

CSM is a very challenging position since they have to go through several daily tasks that involve a lot of stakeholders. In the mobile industry, new agencies, ad partners, affiliates, SaaS platforms appear every day, claiming they have the best products and solutions. Focusing on outstanding customer management can be a game-changer for your business. Use the tips above to leverage against the competitors that are just one click away. 

Keep in mind that the happier you make your customers the longer they will stay with you.

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