To scale your app, you probably are advertising in multiple media channels.
But, does your creative strategy count with specific content for each media?

Here are 10 tips to improve your ad creative performance.

Every moment is an opportunity to capture user attention. 
Make specific content for each space where your audience is looking.

1) Think Mobile

Create your ads for a mobile screen. Include vertical format as well.

2) Maximize your ads coverage

Use all formats and optimize your campaigns’ reach.
Campaigns with greater reach meet marketing goals faster.

3) Keep it simple
Ads with one single message are remembered more. 

4) Start strong
Start your videos ads with a strong visual impact to hook viewers.  
5) Keep it real

Content must look and feel authentic. Made by real people.

6) Leverage on trends and creators
Get the most out of current trends and creators to make your ads more relevant for your audience. 

7) Build contrast

Use contrasting colors in carousel’s second image in Twitter
Users will realize the ad is swipeable and will want to know more. 

8) Connect your images 

Use different resources to connect your carousels images.
Users will want to finish the story and will continue seeing the ads.

9) Try multiples formats

Communicate your brand with programmatic formats with different attention level in-app.
Less intrusive ad formats will carry greater engagement.
Adapt your ad format to users experience in-app.

10) Different ads for different channels
Your creative ads should follow the specific logic of each channel.

You can also schedule a quick call with one of our Creative Specialists to review your creative strategy.